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Logan and Neah Pups born August 11, 2020
Puppys are being raised indoors with time outside as the get close to 4 weeks. I like to introduce them slowly to new enviroments. By 17 days of age they have undergone Early Nurelogical Stimulation , It’s amazing how much this little neonates can actually do at such a young age. The sense of smell is paramount in their little lives.
By 6 weeks they have been exposed to a variety of music and sounds such as thunder, rain emergency vehicles.
The pups have been spending time each day outdoors visually seeing other dogs and people walk by. They have had umbrellas opened and closed near them, played in tunnels and today tried out two different dog ramps. I am impressed with their abilities at a young age. We are working on the simple command of come, name acknowledgement and sit. They mastered the command kisses and are very loving pups.
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